
The article I have chosen to write about is the one titled “Population: When saying condom aloud became birth control ad in India”. This article is about India’s unique approach to teaching family planning by using slogans such as “Say Condom, Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy”.

The article paints a positive picture of India’s efforts to promote family planning in a way that is both creative and effective. It highlights the success of the campaign, which has resulted in increased awareness and use of contraceptives among the population, and an overall reduction in the number of unwanted pregnancies.

The article also highlights the importance of condoms as a form of birth control. Condoms are not only effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies, but they are also essential in protecting people from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The campaign’s slogan, “Say Condom, Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy”, reminds people that using a condom is a simple way to protect themselves and their partners from both unwanted pregnancies and STIs.

Overall, this article is a positive one, highlighting the success of India’s efforts to promote family planning and the importance of using condoms as a form of birth control. It is a reminder that even in a world where access to contraception is limited, creative methods such as slogans can be effective in spreading awareness and changing behaviour. In a world where access to contraception is often limited, creative methods such as this can be a powerful tool in promoting both health and education.