
  1. Why Google’s ‘woke’ AI problem won’t be an easy fix: This issue highlights the potential dangers of relying too heavily on AI and the need for careful consideration and oversight in its development and implementation. It also brings attention to the issue of bias in AI and the importance of diversity in the tech industry.
  2. Meta forms team to stop AI from tricking voters: This is a positive step towards addressing the potential misuse of AI in influencing elections. It shows the responsibility of tech companies in ensuring the ethical use of their technology.
  3. Oprah and Nigella deepfaked in influencer ‘manifestation’ ads: This raises concerns about the potential for AI to be used for deceptive and manipulative purposes. It also highlights the need for regulations and safeguards in the use of AI.
  4. AI chip firm Nvidia valued at $2tn: This shows the growing importance and potential of AI in various industries, and the confidence of investors in its future impact.
  5. The celebrities ‘deepfaked’ for US influencer’s ads: Similar to the third item, this raises concerns about the potential for AI to be used for deceptive and manipulative purposes.
  6. ‘AI won’t steal your job, but people using it may’: This highlights the need for proper training and education in the use of AI, as well as the importance of human oversight in its implementation.
  7. ‘I’d heard the big, bad, scary conversation about AI’: This shows the growing interest and awareness of AI among individuals, and the potential for it to shape our future.
  8. The ‘mind-bending’ bionic arm powered by AI: This showcases the potential of AI to improve and enhance human capabilities, particularly in the field of healthcare.
  9. How AI is helping the search for extraterrestrial life: This demonstrates the potential of AI to assist in complex and challenging tasks, and its potential impact in various fields beyond our own planet.