
The article I have chosen is “Bhagwa Love Trap: A new Indian online trend causing real-world harm”. This article sheds light on a new online trend in India that has had devastating consequences in real life.

The Bhagwa Love Trap is an online game that encourages people to pretend they are in a romantic relationship with someone they are not, often leading to heartbreak. Players of the game create false identities and profiles using photos taken from social media and other online sources. They then use these profiles to enter into romantic relationships with unsuspecting victims.

The game has caused a great deal of harm to those who have been deceived by it. Victims of the game have reported feeling betrayed and hurt by the person they thought they were in a relationship with. Some have even been driven to depression and even suicide.

The Bhagwa Love Trap highlights the dangers of online relationships and how easily people can be deceived. It is important to be aware of the risks that come with online relationships and to take precautions when meeting someone online. It’s also important to be open and honest about who you are when entering into a relationship and to make sure that the person you are connecting with is who they say they are.

The Bhagwa Love Trap is an important reminder that online relationships can be dangerous and it is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect yourself. It’s also important to be open and honest about who you are and to be careful when meeting someone online. Taking these precautions can help to ensure that your online relationships are safe and healthy.