
  1. Bristol to host one of Europe’s most powerful supercomputers with The machine will “help researchers maximise the potential of AI”, the government says. - This is a great step forward in the development of AI technology, and it will help researchers to make the most of the potential of AI. It could lead to breakthroughs in many areas, from healthcare to transportation.

  2. ‘Overwhelming consensus’ on AI regulation - Musk with Tech heavyweights gathered in Washington DC to discuss the regulation of artificial intelligence. - This is an important step in the regulation of AI, as it shows that there is an agreement among tech leaders on the need for regulation. This could help to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically, and that it is not abused or misused.

  3. AI and sound - helping firms build their own ‘sonic identity’ with Artificial intelligence is assisting companies in developing their own signature sounds. - This is an interesting development, as it could help companies to create unique and memorable sounds that can be used to identify their brand. It could also help to create a more immersive experience for customers, as they will be able to recognize the sound of a company’s products or services.

  4. AI quiz: Can you tell which image is real? with Test your skills at spotting AI-generated images with Bitesize’s monthly AI quiz. - This is a great way to test people’s ability to recognize AI-generated images. It could help to raise awareness of the potential of AI, and how it can be used to create realistic images. It could also help to identify potential issues with AI-generated images, such as bias or inaccuracy.

  5. Google: Political adverts must disclose use of AI with The announcement follows fears AI-generated images and audio are already infiltrating ads. - This is an important step in ensuring transparency in political advertising. It will help to ensure that people are aware of the use of AI in political ads, and that they can make informed decisions about the ads they are seeing.

  6. Google’s search for an AI future as it turns 25 with The tech giant celebrates its 25th birthday this month, but faces new threats to its dominance. - This is an important milestone for Google, as it shows the company’s commitment to AI technology. It also highlights the potential threats to its dominance, as other companies are investing heavily in AI technology.

  7. Pass AI law soon or risk falling behind, MPs warn with The commons technology committee urges new legislation for the UK to take lead on AI regulation. - This is an important warning, as it shows the need for legislation to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of AI regulation. It is essential that the UK takes a lead in this area, as it could help to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.

  8. Google tests watermark to identify AI images with The tech giant’s artificial intelligence firm DeepMind unveils measures to counter disinformation. - This is an important step in combating disinformation, as it will help to identify AI-generated images and audio. It could also help to ensure that people are aware of the potential of AI, and that they can make informed decisions about the content they are seeing.

  9. Elusive Ernie: China’s new chatbot has a censorship problem with Ernie, Baidu’s answer to ChatGPT, is wary of sensitive subjects - and clearly dodges questions. - This is a worrying development, as it shows the potential for AI to be used to censor information. It is essential that AI is used responsibly and ethically, and that it is not used to suppress freedom of speech or to manipulate public opinion.

  10. New AI systems collide with copyright law with Artists are worried that their work is being fed into AI systems and are taking legal action. - This is an important issue, as it highlights the potential for AI to be used to infringe copyright. It is essential that AI is used responsibly and ethically, and that it is not used to infringe the rights of artists and creators.