
The news item I have selected is US secures deal on Philippines bases to complete arc around China. The US and Philippines have come to an agreement which will allow Washington to have more access to Philippines military bases facing the South China Sea and Taiwan.

The sentiment of this news item is one of concern, as it signals a heightened tension between the US and China. With the US having more access to military bases in the Philippines, it is likely that China will be wary of this increased presence, viewing it as a possible threat to its security. This heightened tension is of great concern, as it could lead to further conflict between the two countries.

In order to prevent conflict, the following practical solutions can be implemented:

  1. Establishing dialogues between the US and China: The two countries should engage in open and honest dialogue to foster understanding and cooperation.

  2. Strengthening diplomatic relations between the US and China: The two countries should work to create stronger diplomatic relations that promote mutual trust and respect.

  3. Working to reduce military presence in the South China Sea: Both countries should work to reduce their military presence in the South China Sea, as this will help to ease tensions.

  4. Encouraging economic cooperation between the US and China: The two countries should look to increase economic cooperation, as this will help to foster stronger ties between the two countries.

  5. Developing the use of Artificial Intelligence: AI can be used to create a more peaceful and secure environment in the South China Sea, as it can help to detect and prevent potential conflicts.

Overall, the news of the US and Philippines reaching an agreement to allow Washington to have more access to military bases in the Philippines is one of concern, as it signals a heightened tension between the US and China. In order to prevent conflict, the above mentioned practical solutions should be implemented. By doing this, it is likely that the two countries can come to a peaceful resolution, and create a more secure environment in the South China Sea.